Heeeeelllloooooo!!! Can I start today by saying I was grumpy today x 100000! For realz. I won't tell you exactly why, but I was headache, anger bubbling, couldn't focus, totally unmotivated grumpy! I was so grumpy, I forgot to make my morning coffee! What?!? I know! I also know that contributed to my headache, but it is what it is! Anyway, I made myself feel better by baking a cake for a friends birthday that is tomorrow, singing really loud to show tunes, and working out (including doing yoga, which my new cat took as an invite to cuddle/attack!) That was really funny actually, and made me laugh. Ever have a cat batting at your messy bun while doing a downward dog? It's funny! Well, over on my Health & Fitness page I talk (so short and sweetly) about starting to do better in eating well and working out by starting small! Starting big is ok too, but some days (.....like my day today....) you don't want to do anything! So, starting small is a great place to put your mind because you set a very achievable goal! One starting small tip I gave was this workout below. It's a quick one that'll leave you feeling a little more peppy, and if it's all you manage to do, it was still better than nothing! So, start small! Don't be worried that what you're doing isn't "enough", because something is always more than nothing! So clever, right?
Good day! Today on my Health & Fitness page I yammered on about yoga and why I used to hate it, and why I love it now! If you dislike yoga at all, head on over to that page and have a read, you may change your mind about it and give it a try! For here though, I have more for "Motivational Mondays!". Oh, p.s. "Just Another Manic Monday" is a song (by The Bangles), I'm not really having a manic day! Fear not! Oh yes, and for those who saw my post last Monday about cats....I am happy to announce we did get a cat! She's sweet (when she isn't hiding from us!), and I think she'll fit in well with our family! Her name is Bella (though, that's just the name she came with, and we might still change it), she's beautiful, and extremely kind (if I was her I would have taken a swipe at my kids by now!), and we're pretty happy to welcome her into our family! Anyway, for todays "motivation", I share with you a video! This one makes me laugh every time I watch it! It's called "Yoga Pants" by comedian Tim Hawkins. I thought it appropriate because of my post over at Health & Fitness land about yoga.! It's only 2 1/2 minutes, so just watch it! It'll make you happy! : ) Well, in case you haven't noticed, "Motivational Monday" clearly isn't your usual motivation! I like inspiring quotes (I've shared them, and I will share them again!), but more often than not, laughing out loud motivates me! It cheers me up and makes me want to get up and get going at something! This is just an FYI for those wondering about my strange "motivation". The End xoxo Hello! Today over on my Health & Fitness page you'll find 5 tips for recovery from a food binge! You should go check that out if you're inclined to having yourself a treat day and need some help to get you back on track afterwards! As for us here, I bring you some laughter. We had a cat for years that was literally (literally!) the best cat ever! Sadly, she was run over by someone driving way too fast on our road at the house we used to live in. That was 5 years ago, and I've been pestering my husband for another cat ever since. My pestering has increased however with the mice that have been setting up camp in our home, but most recently....rats! Huge, sort of cute, but really gross rats!!! My husband is away in China for 10 days, and this is a conversation we had shortly after he had left: Hahaha, oh boy, that is still making me laugh! But, seriously, we are getting a cat! I strangely love cats, and our house sure could use someone to scare away the rodents! Anyway, these strange and hilarious photos of where cats shouldn't be sums up a part of why I love them. They are unapologetically whacko! Just like me! :) Yup, crazy cats! Love it! So, laugh at these cats and then go to my Health & Fitness page and pick up some tips on recovery from a treat day! : ) Hello there! Today on my Health & Fitness page I share about "Gym Me, Myself, and I"! What is this crazy sounding gym, you may ask (or more likely, you didn't ask!), well, it's me at home, with the space I have, with my few bits of equipment (weights and a jump rope-which aren't even really needed to start out), my own body, and the desire to feel better! I don't want for anyone to feel discouraged about a lack of a gym membership, or a proper "home gym" with expensive (and usually really big!) equipment! You don't need it! To see the poor quality video I made of a tour of my "gym", please do read my post today over at my Health & Fitness page! As for here, enjoy these bits of inspiration I've chosen for this motivational Monday! So, grab ahold of today, and do your best!
xoxoxo So, a few weeks back I started a new Health & Fitness page, and decided that I would write articles on Mondays for it. I picked Monday because I know a lot of people (myself included) feel like Monday is a start-over day. But, I didn't want this main 'hub' of my site being ignore by me, and I so I've decided that (well, for now, at least!), I'm going to make Monday's into "Motivational Mondays"! I will post quotes that inspired me, things that made me laugh so gosh-darned hard, and things that made me stop and be thankful. I like this quote because it's so true! You can't keep doing the exact same thing over and over and expect different results every time! This applies to relationships & friendships, health & fitness, even the way you make a meal! I appreciate this quote because it feels like a validation for passions, if that makes sense? We're created with gifts, talents, passions in us, and and we're often unhappy because we push those things aside in pursuit of something forced, something that we're "supposed" to do. Don't get me wrong, you can't shirk proper responsibilities you may have, but find a way to work your passions into your life! This last one is an encouragement to a healthier life. Don't get caught up and overwhelmed by the long road ahead, just stop and take the journey one workout at a time, one day at a time, one meal at a time. To read my Health & Fitness post for today called "I'm On A Diet" and why I'm not a big fan of saying such a thing, please click the link! Happy Monday friends, have a good start-over day! |
Hi, I'm Amy-Lyn! I am the lady behind this here blog! I live in the sticks with my animals, my super handsome husband, and my
3 amazing kids! Here you'll find things from recipes (gluten-free, paleo, and strait up junk food!), DIY ideas, thoughts on raising a son with autism, and whatever else pops into my brain! : ) Read more about me by clicking here! Want to Stay Connected?
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