I like going to our little local grocery store because they always have things marked down 50%. It's always for different reasons, but the reason matters not to me! I just love a discount! :) A while back (I'm talking in the summer) they had Pillsbury Raspberry Turnovers on 50% off. I have literally never bought these before in my whole life, but at 50% off, I was interested enough to try! I stuck the boxes in my freezer, and waited for a time I wanted to make a breakfast for guests, or just for fun on a treat day. When I finally decided to make them, I realized I actually didn't want to make them as turnovers, but would rather have a nice bun, like a cinnamon bun....minus the cinnamon, obviously. So, that's what I did. I made me some raspberry rolls, and (despite me not actually enjoying baked fruit desserts) these turned out really nice, and somehow seemed nicer than a turnover, but that might just be something I'm telling myself because I want to believe it. These kept well too, sitting on the counter for 2 days, and tasting yummy up to the last day. Raspberry Rolls Ingredients:
I realize this is NOT a real recipe, only an idea for something you can do with something already made for you. I fully intend on making these again, only I will try with a homemade dough and a pure raspberry jam. I'll let you know how that real recipe goes. Pinky swear. So, that's all for today.
I've been more on and off with posting because we've have an irritating Apple bug that causes desktop Macs to not be able to connect to the internet via WiFi. So, all my photos are on the desktop, and even if I worked on a draft on the laptop I would't have any photos to use because I can't access them because the iCloud won't work properly...blah blah, blah. Anyway, my brilliant husband got a long Cat-5 cable (ethernet), and hooked our computer up to our router so that I have internet again! However, the cable (though it is long) isn't quite long enough and I have to drag the computer desk away from the wall and on a wacky angle to get the cord to reach! I'm o.k. with this though! Apple really should fix this bug, but in the meanwhile we have figured a way around it! So, apologies for being absent, but I'm still here! :) Happy Wednesday!
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Hi, I'm Amy-Lyn! I am the lady behind this here blog! I live in the sticks with my animals, my super handsome husband, and my
3 amazing kids! Here you'll find things from recipes (gluten-free, paleo, and strait up junk food!), DIY ideas, thoughts on raising a son with autism, and whatever else pops into my brain! : ) Read more about me by clicking here! Want to Stay Connected?
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