Yesterday I posted about the cake I made for my daughters party. Today I want to share some photos from the rest of her party, but mostly my thoughts on birthday celebrations. Some people feel that having a theme, and looking to Pinterest for party ideas is a waste of time, and too complicated (not that it's complicating, but more that it takes away from simple pleasures). I disagree. Before the party started I was chatting with a Mom (and friend) who came early. I was telling her how I really feel there is a time and place to have simplicity, but then there is a time to go big. My kids birthday's are one of those big times to me! I shared last week how I have had 2 late term miscarriages. Going through that experience (twice) made me really appreciate the fact that I have 3 healthy, beautiful children whose birthdays I get to celebrate! I have 2 babies who's happy birthday song I never get to sing, and whose cake I never get to make, and who's hours of Pinterest hunting for their party I never get to do. So, am I doing big birthday's out of sadness for my loss? No, I am not. I feel that the birthdays I give to my children represent how glad I am that they are here. That being said, if one of my kids only wanted one friend over, and wanted to eat take-out pizza, and watch a movie, and do nothing else-I would do that too! The point of celebrating someones' birthday is to let them know they are loved, and for them to feel special! For instance, this pony party had hot dogs at it! Would I have picked hot dogs for a My Little Pony themed party? Nope! But my daughter wanted them, so we had them! My personality type also plays into this in that I enjoy a theme, and having something very specific to work on. If you're not into themes and colour co-ordinating, that's fine! At the end of the whole thing, it is about a child who's day of birth you are celebrating! That's it! What form it takes changes based on you and your family, and your birthday child. One thing I do, no matter how big or small of a party my child is having, is I wake them up on the morning of their actual birthday, and tell them the story about when they were born. I had a friend who's Mom did that, and I loved the idea. I also have video of me in the hospital, and my big belly, and of them right after they are born, and I show it to them. They really love it, and it is a really special moment (I usually cry a lot!). It lets them know that they are a treasure, and that I love them so much. Big or small birthdays are a hot topic right now, which way to you tend to go and why? I honestly feel that regardless of what the party looks like, it's about your motives, and your heart. Simple or themed/complicated, who is the party for, and why are you doing what you're doing?
12/9/2013 09:54:50 pm
Awesome Party!!! We always woke up to our room being torpedoed by streamers and balloons growing up! My mom always had to wait up super late to wait for us to go to sleep! I haven't don't that for my boys yet but am hoping too next year! I like to go BIG!!! this year I didn't with all the moving and this year we had showings on both boys birhtdays!! so it was simple fun partys at my mom's and they didn't care ! AS long as we are all together as a family and enjoying each other and the little ones it is all fun!
1/22/2014 10:56:06 am
Just wondering what site you ordered your plates and cups? They are so cute!!
1/22/2014 09:07:10 pm
I ordered the plates and cups from a company called "Open a Party".
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Hi, I'm Amy-Lyn! I am the lady behind this here blog! I live in the sticks with my animals, my super handsome husband, and my
3 amazing kids! Here you'll find things from recipes (gluten-free, paleo, and strait up junk food!), DIY ideas, thoughts on raising a son with autism, and whatever else pops into my brain! : ) Read more about me by clicking here! Want to Stay Connected?
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