Some of my posts are sponsored, or have links in them that bring you to other sites - read more about it HERE :) Well, hello there! It's been a while, hasn't it?!?! I'm sorry about that! I have been buuuuuuussssssssyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back in August we decided to start a kitchen reno....which is still happening today (7 months later....). Last June I stepped into the role of Vice President at The Belleville Theatre Guild, and in January I accepted the role as Annie Oakley in The Pinnacle Playhouse's spring production of "Annie Get Your Gun" - I have a lot of lines and songs to learn! Not to mention blocking and some dancing! Oh boy! Anywho, I didn't take the time to log on today to whine, I came to talk about something important! Skin! :) We all know that diet and exercise is an important part of keeping your body healthy, but did you know it can keep your skin healthy too? True story. I've personally always had pretty clear skin. I actually had a friend in high school that used to chant "Amy-Lyn and her clear skin"....I always thought it was endearing...but, looking back, I wonder if she was actually being caddy? Oh man, I don't miss high school! Hahaha, anyway, moving on! Caleb, who is now 13 (what the heck? When did that happen!), has had trouble with acne for about a year now. I've taught him proper face washing techniques, and tried to explain why it's important, but his skin was still very blemished, and it bothered him. He was always scratching and picking at his face. Poor guy. So, striving to help him further, I started to investigate the power of diet and exercise on skin health. What I found was interesting and insightful, and it turns out a balance of diet and exercise may be the missing link in your struggles with acne! If you’re endeavouring to clear up acne and unwanted blemishes, these helpful hints may be the key to your success! They really helped Caleb out! Diet A poor diet can often contribute to acne flair ups and blemishes. We all know the importance of a healthy diet when it comes to looking and feeling our best, but did you know that certain foods have been known to cause and prevent breakouts? That’s right, those midnight ice cream splurges may be the reason you’re experiencing blemishes! Whomp whomp. If clear skin is a priority, it might be time to swap out those potato chips for kale chips. Not only will eating right keep your body looking fit and feeling healthy, but your skin as well. Here are some the foods that you should introduce to your diet for clear and glowing skin:
Simply eating better foods won’t be enough to keep your skin clear and blemish free though — there are some important foods you need to avoid as well:
ExerciseWhen considering the benefits of exercise, we tend to think about cardiovascular health, weight management, and muscle endurance. However, the improved circulation that comes from regularly working out also helps keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant! I think sometimes, those with skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and psoriasis avoid athletic activities and exercise because they fear it will further irritate their skin. Although clothing can potentially irritate your skin when working out, the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risk. If you suffer from sensitive skin, try finding a detergent that won’t irritate your skin or workout clothes made from better materials. And be sure to choose clothes that are super comfy! Why does working out help with skim problems though? The reason is due to oxygenated blood flow. By increasing the flow of blood and oxygen, exercise helps skin cells stay vital and nourished. Not only will this increased flow help replenish your complexion, but it will help revitalize it as well! Woot woot! I love the word "revitalize"! :) I'm a weirdo. The circulatory system is responsible for carrying away waste and detoxifying your body—including the toxins in your skin. The stronger the system, the better it can function and serve its purpose. The popular belief is that you sweat toxins out when you work out, but in reality, it’s your liver that filters our toxins. Increased blood flow to the liver allows for the body to expel harmful toxins; cleansing your skin from the inside. A few other things to consider - reducing stress is another lifestyle pillar for maintaining clear, healthy, and vibrant skin; exercise has been proven to reduce stress and it also helps you get a great sleep, and more sleep means you're more capable of handling stress, and on it on it goes!
Lastly, post workout hygiene is something that shouldn’t be overlooked–washing or showering immediately afterwards and using skin care products are a must. Pores can easily become clogged with sweat and dirt if left unkempt after a workout. For Caleb, a "workout" is often turning on some of his favourite music, and letting him dance like only he can (the whole house feels like it's shaking when he dances!). We'd also go for long walks on Saturdays, and race to the barn and back home to see who was the fastest. Caleb isn't inclined to "do a workout", but he loves dancing, running, and going for walks, so that's what we did to increase his exercise levels and blood flow! In conclusion (it's been a while since I ended a post like that, and I felt it needed it!), I don't want to minimize the fact that there are a lot of people out there with serious skin issues. I want to acknowledge that there is a difference between having acne, and having an acne problem. For me, this was about Caleb, and wanting him to look and feel his best. Being 13 is hard. And I suspect being 13 with autism is even harder! So, I wanted to try to eliminate something that may make him feel less confident in himself. So, don’t let blemishes and skin imperfections get you down! Beauty starts from the inside, so be nice! :) Then, with a few simple lifestyle changes, the beautiful glowing clear skin you always wanted will be here before you know it! xoxo
Jean Wilson
1/7/2021 03:02:40 am
Great article to read and think over it for a while. I want also put my thoughts on <a href="">women's health workout book</a>
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March 2018