Hello there! Today I want to share a post from Maddy Moon, and woman who believes in having a healthy relationship with heath, fitness and food. I wanted to share this article because I believe that for a lot of people, feeling "good" is based on the food choices we make. we secretly feel proud and maybe even a little self-righteous if we've eaten well, and feel guilty if we haven't. Why should we feel those things just because of our food? What we eat doesn't make us good or bad, so why should it leave us feeling good or bad? I've only included a portion of the post, but you can read the full article by cliacking here. Why Your Kitchen Spirituality Is A Waste Of Time I’m going to make a bold assumption and say that you most likely agree with the fact that everywhere you turn, there’s a friend trying out a new diet, meal plan, fitness regime or healthy lifestyle. You stand by watching them as they share their guilt-free recipes to the world, influencing others to create their own black and white beliefs toward food. I admire people who decide it’s time to improve their quality of life by incorporating more self-care or health-benefiting routines. This is different than what I’m worried about. There are individuals trying to make a legitimate life change that leads to beautiful outcomes, such as a healthier heart, better sleep, a more efficient metabolism, fertile loins, and a positive mindset. There are also individuals who may begin their “lifestyle” change with some basic goals such as wanting to improve their running time, lose some poundage, eat better, and so on.... But then, morality gets mixed up with food choices. In other words, how “good” you are in the kitchen directly relates (and exemplifies) how good you are as a person. Any time we put all of our faith and trust into a worldly thing, we will fail to achieve the absolutely fullest and richest level of love possible. Let go of the concept that how good you are in the kitchen is how “worthy” you are as a human being. Where does your worth come from? I hope this little snippet gives you something to think about. I know that I often feel better or worse about who I am based on what I've eaten, so the message is real and relevant to me. Try to listen and see what messages you tell yourself about your worth based on what you eat. Try to silence the negative voice that puts you down, and encourage forgiveness & show kindness to yourself. xoxo
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March 2018